Thursday, April 21, 2011

Letter To America

Dear America,

I am writing you to let you know of my great disappointment in your laws which directly discriminate against American citizens who are in a same sex binational relationship. America boasts itself as being the land of the free but we all know how this falsehood is nothing more than a slogan.

I am an US citizen who is now leaving her country to be with the person she loves after having spent the past four years fighting for the right to sponsor my foreign born partner. Current US immigration laws grant heterosexuals this right but denies those of us in same sex relationships the same opportunity.

I’m ashamed at how you have turned your back on me. You have taken my tax money for the past 24 years but deny me freedoms that others enjoy. You told me as a child that America was the land of opportunity and that all men are created equal but as an adult I’m reminded daily of how any opportunity of my pursuit of happiness is currently out of reach and unavailable because of laws like DOMA.

I was brought up to believe in “We the People”. Am I not included in this grouping? Are the people referred to only heterosexual Americans? How many wars have brave American soldiers fought in to ensure that foreign countries gain their freedoms while here at home an ever growing number of LGBTQ Americans are denied over 1000 rights only because of who they love?

I would like to point out that I too have an American Dream but since America ceases to value me or respect my relationship it is with great sadness that I have to put my dream on hold but rest assured that I will continue to voice out my angst as I work even harder to be included in the enforcement of equal protection of the law.

I would like to bring up the fact that due to the unequal immigration laws that the United States enforces I have had to endure not only emotional stress but I have also been inflicted with an added financial burden. I have had to drain my back account in order to move to be with my partner and I am now in a financial hardship. Over the past four years we have had to spend thousands of dollars just to be able to see each other for a week at a time here and there. I have had to pay these large amounts of money only because America refuses to recognize my relationship which is clearly discrimination in its fullest.

It is bitter sweet for me to leave but I know that one day America will be better and equality with be a reality and once that occurs I will accept your apology for allowing bigotry and hate to run so freely in our laws while destroying same sex binational couples and their families. Maybe.


A US Citizen in a same sex binational relationship who so desperately wants to be proud of her country but currently is not.


Elle'ments said...

Beautiful words
When are you coming to Brazil?

Unknown said...

You are making the right decision. I was so miserable not being able to be with the one I love. I have been here in the Philippines since January and although I do miss many things from home, being together with my love has been wonderful. I have become very mad and bitter about America. I just don't see how this can continue to go on. It really makes me ask what kind of country and people Americans are. You will adjust to life there and the really important thing not where you live but who you are with. Good luck,
Michael Hansen