Saturday, November 22, 2008

Just returned from Prop 8 Rally at the Capitol

Another Saturday spent on the steps of the Capitol. Im beginning to look forward to seeing all the familiar faces. Its comforting. Through out the week though i am consistently reading blog after story after news story and i know im only raising my stress level by doing so.

Today i was reading about attacks and vandalism against Mormon temples. Im on the fence about these stories. I in no way condone violence towards Yes on 8 supporters or towards their properties. Yet part of me says that if all they received was spray paint on their temple then so be it. True anarchy would have bombed the temples or set them on fire which has happened through out our history. To me a bit of spray paint is a rather non violent way of handling the anger so many of us have burning within ourselves. Yet i suppose it still isn't right.

Another part of me is not convinced that all these incidents have been done by No supporters. Im sure perhaps some of them have been out of anger but not all of them. I have no proof either way of this but something inside me tells me that the Yes people may be the actual culprits as they attempt to play the Victim card. It is not an impossibility as its been done before. The Nazi's did it when they burned down their own Reichstag's building and blamed the communist.

History always repeats itself. I am not trying to generalize and compare all yes on 8 supporters to Nazi's. But i am reminded that the Nazi's terrorized the gay community of Germany and sent them to concentration camps and im sure that some of the Yes supporters would wish us to be taken away as well.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Where to begin?

2008 has been a wild year. Ive seen and met wonderful people. Drove across America. Followed my favorite band on tour. Secured my feeling that i am with the person i want to spend the rest of my life with. Yet 2008 is ending on a sad note. One that i am yet to come to terms with. The vote of Prop 8.

8 has always been my favorite number. But on Nov 4th the number took on a different relevance. What has our State or our country become. That is a silly a question because we all know that hate and bigotry and nonacceptance has always stood in the forefront of America.

I thought we were improving, evolving even. I had hoped we were at least. Yet when i stood out in the pouring rain with my No on 8 sign , side by side by angry Yes on 8 supporters screaming at me horrid names, it was brought to my attention we have not improved.

Reading blog after blog I'm still left with amazement. There are those who believe this isn't a Civil rights issues. Or that the No on 8 people should just sit and take the fact that a legal right has been taken away. The Yes on 8 people are OK with this, for now, but would they be if it were their rights?

If being Gay is so destructive, then why hasn't the world dissolved already. Gay people have been around as long as I can remember and i haven't seen the 2nd coming. People try to destroy what they cant control or don't understand. I know it is pointless trying to discuss this with some people as their ignorance is abundant and their ears are shut to reasoning.

If Civil Unions were the same legally then maybe the issue of Marriage wouldn't have come to this. But its not. I want to marry my girlfriend and i want to be able to say I AM MARRIED. I want no misunderstanding when i say it. I want no room left available for someone to say " Oh you re not really have a civil union"

I stop myself and think about all the money spent on Prop 8. How many people that could have been fed. How many children could have been clothed. How many homeless could have been helped. But the money was spent on trying to destroy personal happiness of people that most Yes on 8 supporters cant even put a face to. I went to Catholic school and i clearly remember that it was not taught to seek out to destroy peoples lives..or their families.

As a woman who is half black and half white, i have grown up never truly fitting in with one culture. But thats ok. Because i was taught that we all are equal. No one is better or worse. That we should embrace our differences. We should show compassion to those we do not understand.

But what California has shown me...well 5 million Californians that is, Is that i am not equal. That my relationship is not equal. That my money is good for taxes but my equality comes with a price. Its 2008 already. When do we stop telling the next minority group its their time to sit in the back of the bus. When do we all realize that we need to work together.

We've already practically destroyed our planet. Our children are getting some of the worst educations possible. Crime and Violence is at an all time High. We have two wars going on. Economic Crisis comparable to the Depression of the 30's. Shall i go on. Together we stand Divided we fall.

Lets create more love in this world and stop all the hate.